Friday, April 10, 2009

Cohens Two Month Checkup!

Cohen has gained one pound since last month (apparently thats really good) when he seemed to weigh soo much more then that hes at 10.2 lbs. :) After two months of trying different formulas and gas drops and tylenol and everything else I can think of they finally diagnosed him with Acid Reflux, which is good in a way b/c now he has medication to make him feel better! :) And he even slept until 4am and then went right back to sleep until 7 which is a huge milestone considering this boy was waking every 45minutes to an hour :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

10 weeks later!

This has by far been the most emotional 10 weeks of my life. :) Mostly good besides my lack of sleep. Cohen is definatly worth it though and he is really starting to fill out and have his own personality.

Cohen Scott Harris

This is the last of the sappy posts I promise :)

January 29, 2009 Cohen Scott Harris was born and it was the best day of my life. 11 hours of labor and a c-section later I have the most beautiful baby boy ever! You never know the feeling of having a child until it happens to you. During my last trimester I didn't work and needless to say watched 4 hours of baby story everyday! I guess I thought it would prepare me better. I cried at every episode! But I still had no idea what those moms were feeling until Cohen was in my arms. :) He is the best thing that ever happened to this family.
Ps-the only reason Cohen has what looks like a christmas ornament hanging from his head is because I got sick during labor with a high fever and it was a precaution :)

And then came......DUKE!

Many of you who know us, know Duke! Some may think I'm crazy blogging about our dog but he really is part of our family. He has without a doubt caused so much distruction but at the same time been a perfect family dog. He sleeps in the bed with us every night (under the covers), goes on outings with us and we even dedicate every Saturday morning to taking him to the dog park to romp around with other hyper dogs simply because we can tell it makes him happy, not to mention usually calms him down for the rest of the day (or until lunch). When I started to have contractions with Cohen I remember laying down and screaming/crying because of the pain and Duke was so calm and collective and layed on top of me (despite my huge belly) and comfort me. He truly is a mans best friend! :)

How it all started....

First, I want to start off stating that I am finally getting around to doing this (I started in January but haven't had much luck since Cohen was born) and am so excited to start keeping all of our family and friends that live here or away updated on our lives! :)

Zach and I met back in 2006 and have been together ever since. : ) He completes me and I am so happy that I can share all the experiences of being a wife and a mother with him. We dated for about 2 years before we decided to get married in 2008! I must say the first year of marriage is the hardest, everyone says its the easiest but I beg to differ. This is the time where we learn how to adjust to all the changes in our life, and we learn to handle them together. As tough as it all has been I wouldn't change a thing and am so happy that he is my husband.